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[KUG]⇒ [PDF] Free It You Book One edition by Katy Regnery KP Kelley Paranormal Romance eBooks

It You Book One edition by Katy Regnery KP Kelley Paranormal Romance eBooks

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Download PDF It You Book One  edition by Katy Regnery KP Kelley Paranormal Romance eBooks

From New York Times bestselling author Katy Regnery comes her first duo of paranormal romances!

the most beautiful boy in the world kissed me.
I’ve never been able to forget.
Perhaps it was his jet-black hair,
or the changing copper-color of his eyes,
the intense way he looked at me…
or the fact that he awakened my passion for the first time,
at once otherworldly yet heartbreakingly real.
But after that kiss, I never saw him again.

His name was Jack Beauloup.
Jack, my “Beautiful Wolf.”

Twenty years passed. He has returned. For me.

"I have read several of Katy’s Contemporary Romances in the past but this is her first venture into the world of paranormal. I have to admit I was a little skeptical at first. But I’m here to tell you that if you ever decide to read one single paranormal romance, you absolutely have to make sure it’s this one. This book is amazing!" - Carol, Goodreads Addict

"I was consumed and addicted to this story, the characters, the writing... EVERYTHING!" - 4TLoReading Blog

"Wow Wow Wow. I am soooo not a paranormal reader. I honestly never thought I would like it, but I must tell you Katy Regnery has totally converted me with It's You. You DO NOT need to be a PNR reader to love this book. If you are a fan all encompassing love and soulmates this one is for you. I became addicted as soon as I started reading. I hung on every word." - The Divas Book Lounge

"Katy's writing is like a drug to me. Combined with a unique storyline - you will be addicted to this drug too my friend." - AC Book Blog

"Katy Regnery KILLED this story". It is unpredictable. It is angsty. It is SO DAMNED romantic, it is steeped in well researched lore and it BLEW my MIND." - Words We Love By

"It is unique, intriguing, romantic, and completely enthralling. She made me believe that the impossible is possible." - Reviews by Tammy & Kim

"This is actually the most swoon-worthy PNR book I've ever read!" - Sejla, Goodreads Reviewer

"The story captivated me, captured me and consumed to me...I was in a trance. Every single page was filled with passion and sensuality that was just perfection." - The Romantic Angel Blog

""It's You" isn't quite as dramatic as "Romeo and Juliet" but ... it's close. "It's You" is wonderfully fleshed out, action packed, and chock full of Romance." - Lightning City Book Reviews

"It's You (Book 1) has all the passion and heartache of Twilight on steroids." - Nancy Reads

"I was completely sucked in." - Bookgasms Book Blog

"I have said multiple times that I don't read PNR, but after reading this one, I can't wait to explore more!! I have been seeing everyone saying it was a magical book, and after reading it, I can 100% agree with this summation. It was enchanting. There is no getting around it." - The Book Bee

"Not only is the book paranormal, but it also has an all encompassing romance that lasts always and forever. Pure love/soulmates." - Ever and Ever Sight Book Blog

"This is without a doubt, NOT your momma's paranormal/shifter story. It was emotional and heartfelt. I could feel every bit of their emotions" - Abibiliophobia Anonymous Book Reviews

"OMG! I haven't read a paranormal romance in a good long while and I can't say that I've read one that was better than this!" - Two Girls With Books

"Move over Jacob Black, there's a new shifter in town and his name is Jack Beauloup." - Tanya, I heart books

"I love the world that Ms. Regnery has created. It’s lush, vibrant and has so much depth that it feels real. The backstories and histories are well crafted as are the supporting cast of characters. The secondary storylines are well woven into the main story arc and I can’t wait to see how they all play out." - Book-N-Wine

"A definite One-Click Buy!" - Behind Closed Doors Book Review

"Holy shit. This was outstanding." - BF Bookies

It You Book One edition by Katy Regnery KP Kelley Paranormal Romance eBooks

I had high hopes for this book until I got to the middle. I just couldn't stand the heroine anymore. For being a 35 year old woman, age acted like an immature spoiled brat; I refused to continue. I honestly couldn't stand her anymore...either love the guy or don't. He's the one I felt bad for because he's bound to her forever. But I am not. That is why I am doing something I hardly ever do...stop reading the book.

Product details

  • File Size 913 KB
  • Print Length 246 pages
  • Publisher Boroughs Publishing Group (January 3, 2017)
  • Publication Date January 3, 2017
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B01N5D8RD6

Read It You Book One  edition by Katy Regnery KP Kelley Paranormal Romance eBooks

Tags : It's You, Book One - Kindle edition by Katy Regnery, K.P. Kelley. Paranormal Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Katy Regnery, K.P. Kelley,It's You, Book One,Boroughs Publishing Group,Fiction Fantasy Paranormal,Fiction Romance Paranormal
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It You Book One edition by Katy Regnery KP Kelley Paranormal Romance eBooks Reviews

I liked Darcy I think up until she saw Jack again and my feelings started going down hill fast,...
Romance wether real life or fiction can be tricky I know but sighs, I have certain things I like in my stories and somethings I can’t stand, ok I loved the idea of Jack and Darcy meeting as teenagers, her bot being the “fated mate” he expected and him having to go off for a while....
I like the idea them trying to fight the pull but can’t and getting back together to finally having the chance they’ve always needed and deserved but while they will have to have obstacles of course, I have absolutely no patience for their stupidity being one of them....
I was hoping after Darcy’s session with the Dr./hypnotist and then finally seeing Jack at the wedding she would run into his arms and while ty would have a lot to learn and deal with,I NEVER expected the huge amount of awkwardness that came ...
Ok, maybe I was overly hopeful but dang, if I had been dreaming and scheming and wanting a man like she’s been wanting Jack, I’d had him out there up against a tree demanding answers in a heartbeat , not playing games and I’ll do this if you BS!!!!
This is a man you’ve been driving yourself CRAZY for at least 20 years ( even though she can’t seem to keep the years straight and while 20 years is supposed to make her 35 and Jack two years older 38 she’s calling him 40) ( Oooooooook)
and he makes you feel things no one else does but you don’t just dive in and sort things out , No, you play games and act all petty and pissy because everything doesn’t just all into place because you say soo ..
Seriously ?
Example a couple of days after seeing him at the wedding, Darcy sees Jack on a main street and they start to kiss , when he pulls back for just a second she immediately goes for the rejection button and gets hurt, Jack has to remind the idiot, Hey,it’s the middle of the day in the middle of town,we can’t keep going like this in public (Well Duh!) and he wants to keep going just ,you know in private ,soo once they start they don’t have to start....
It’s called common sense and public decency Darcy, NOT a reason to be butt hurt and rejected....
Hey,we all want to be kissed in such a way that makes us forget who we are and where are but to go straight getting angry and feeling rejected is a bit of a big leap,especially when the guy in question is seeking you out ,it’s those kinda leaps in Darcy’s thinking that started to turn me off...
I know I sound trigger happy but this is a man you’ve been craving and wanting and needing for over half your life,and instead of throwing yourself in his arms and not letting go,as strange as somethings might be your going off for MRI’s and cat scans for answers instead of him...
No,no,no, you can clearly see this couple are going to have some up hill struggles but w/out having Jack’s p.o.v. to help us and seeing from the get go Darcy in going to be in her own way BIG TIME and the added unwanted ‘bonus” of her best friend and brothers romance to boot ?
I’m soo NOT interested....
I want my MC’s fighting for each other and if there is some fighting against its not like this Darcy is just annoying ...
You run hit and cold and push and pull if you’ve really been craving someone like she supposedly has Jack...
Jack needs to give answers, but she needs to really want the answers ...
Darcy’s to much trouble ....
I would like to preface this review by saying that I am a big fan of this author and have fully enjoyed many of her romance novels; this book simply did not work for me...One of my favorite genres is PNR / Fantasy, so when I saw that Katy Regnery was writing in this genre I was very excited and had high hopes for the duet...Unfortunately, there were aspects of this book that I struggled with connecting to...first and foremost was the layout of the is set in two parts, with part one being told from the heroine's, Darcy, point of view and part two being told from the hero's, Jack, point of view...within each part the timeline jumps from present to past depicting different aspects of their relationship...for me, in this particular book, I would have felt more connected to the characters if the format switched POVs per chapter and moved from past to present...I had a hard time experiencing the connection between Jack and Darcy especially with a twenty year gap in their relationship and such a minimal interaction in the would have been beneficial to experience the entirety of their teenage moments in the beginning of the book in order to better connect to the power of their interactions...also, the second half of the book focused solely on Jack's history and familial was as if I was reading an entirely different story from the first half...there were a multitude of new characters introduced and an entire new storyline that felt scattered and disjointed...the second piece that I struggled with in this book was Darcy's personality...she came across to me as selfish and seemed she engaged in a push / pull dynamic with Jack that she would instigate and then retreat from...she almost seemed to toy with his emotions...when challenged, she became cruel in her actions and words leaving little conviction to this powerful bond they were to share...her character's intentions did not feel authentic and her integrity seemed skewed....some aspects of the book that I enjoyed were related more to the paranormal realm including the Eyespeak, soul flight, and being bound to one was intriguing to learn more of the Metis history and the connection to skinwalkers...unfortunately, in the end, the overall story did not resonate with me...2 stars(
The first thing to say is that Katy Regnery can write as K.P. Kelley anytime. The words she puts down on paper can be any genre and the end result is the falling in love with all new characters.
In It's You we meet the most intriguing man Jack Beauloup. Jack is a man who has has come back home after being away and the woman he is looing for Darcy Turner is there.
Darcy Turner is a woman who has a successful career, a loving family and a best friend who is always there for her but there has always been the one thing just out of her reach and his name is Jack Beauloup.
When Jack & Darcy meet again after many years there still seems to be an amazing chemistry and this incredible pull that only the two can feel. The struggles you see this couple go through will find you having to walk away from your kindles and say they need to find a way to make it work but so many questions need to be answered for that to happen and sometimes even the best couples can't overcome it. Even though we know that these characters are fictional, the way Katy writes these stories makes you feel that somewhere out there they truly do exist and you find yourself cheering them on.
This is only part one of this amazing story and I can not even imagine how part two will play out but I will be ready to read it on the day of release. If you are a fan of Paranormal, Romance and especially a fan of Katy's then this is definitely one book you will not want to miss.
I had high hopes for this book until I got to the middle. I just couldn't stand the heroine anymore. For being a 35 year old woman, age acted like an immature spoiled brat; I refused to continue. I honestly couldn't stand her anymore...either love the guy or don't. He's the one I felt bad for because he's bound to her forever. But I am not. That is why I am doing something I hardly ever do...stop reading the book.
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